
The History of Wakeboarding at Cable Parks

The idea was an alternative to the costly, complicated and non environment friendly boat towing. The first course was built in 1962 by the German inventor. The basics of operation and technology have remained the same since. With the use of built in elements, the cables of newer courses are higher, and also the traditional four towers courses are being supplemented by one or two additional towers, so the bends are more easily tackled, mastering the courses has become easier. The further evolvement of the sports has caught attention of a wider audience.

Wakeboarding at Cable Park is now on the short list to become an olympic sport in 2020. The story is very  similar to snowboarding, which first occurred in the late 70’s, spread wild around the world in the 90’s only to end up a part of the winter games, in 1998.

Sports on the cable

Water ski

In Germany, and later in France, where – most likely because of the popularity of skiing – cableway courses for decades were used to adopt skiing on snow to water, with the help of slalom courses built out of floating buoys.


By joining the two skis together a more stable way of maneuver was established, and has also eliminated the entanglements of dual skis.



  This sport was invented by American surfers in the 80’s, when lacking proper waves. It was this stage when the spirit of „freestyle” emerged in towed water sports. The essence was not only the mere twisting and turning, but rather the even more complex, higher and delicate movements and tricks. By exploiting the laws of physics even further, a variety of obstacles are being used, such as the slider, the kicker, or the table, and their combinations.



Presented only a few years ago, but getting ever popular is the board smaller then a wakeboard, without bindings, which is unsuitable for high jumps. However, it has introduced new possibilities on smooth water, and also on obstacles. Wakeskating may be enjoyed wearing trainer shoes, freeing the rider from binding and unbinding.



Suitable for beginners, when those learning cable way sports have the opportunity to set off and enjoy sliding on the water without prior experience.


Beside the aboves there are further instruments that can be used to ride, like air tubes, wakesurf, etc.


wake merkur panorama

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Letošní sezóna začala divně a stejně zvláštní je i její konec. Je nám to upřímně líto, ale Karneval jako každoroční zakončení se bohužel neuskuteční.
Není v našich silách dodržet nová vládní opatření a proto musíme pro letošní rok provoz našeho Wake Parku ukončit předčasně.
Budeme doufat, že tenhle celý nesmysl brzy skončí a příští sezóna začne normálně.
Moc Vám děkujeme za Vaši přízeň a pochopení.
Těšíme se na Vás v dubnu 2021!
Wake Merkur Crew

This year season started strange way and its end is just as weird. We are sincerely sorry, but the Carnival as an usual end of season will unfortunately not take place.
New government measures are impossible to comply, which means earlier end of our Wake Park operation.
We are hoping, that this whole nonsense will end soon and next season start normally.
Thank you very much for your favor and understanding.
We look forward to seeing you all in April 2021!
Wake Merkur Crew

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Poslední ježdění aneb KONEC SEZÓNY 2020

Otevírací doba na příští týden bude následující:

Pátek - 15:00 - 18:00
Sobota - 12:00 - 18:00
Neděle - 12:00 - 18:00

V případě zájmu o ježdění mimo otevírací dobu stačí pouze opět napsat do zpráv "Chci vlek jen pro sebe" a mít minimálně 5, maximálně však 20 jezdců.

V sobotu na Karneval kvůli státním opatřením má ježdění zadarmo prvních 20 masek a hned jak dojezdí vystřídá je dalších 20.

Last ride alias END OF SEASON 2020
Opening hours for next week:

Friday 15:00 - 18:00
Saturday 12:00 - 18:00
Sunday 12:00 - 18:00

If you are interested in riding anytime outside the opening hours, all you have to do is to write in the messages "I want the cable just for myself" and have at least 5 riders.

On Saturday at the Carnival due to restrictions, first 20 masks riding for free. When they finish their ride, another

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My jedeme! co Vy?
Otevírací doba:
Dnes 15:00 - 18:30
Sobota 12:00 - 18:30
Neděle 12:00 - 18:00

We ride! Do you?
Opening hours:
Today 15:00 to 18:30
Saturday 12:00 - 18:30
Sunday 12:00 - 18:00

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